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4 Cool CSS Tricks to Spice Up your Blog

No doubt! Every Blogger loves CSS. CSS is used for styling webpages, customizing colors, layout etc. Almost everything that we do for styling our blog is based on CSS. There are thousands of amazing things that you can do with CSS. Even if you've been learning CSS for many years, you probably still come to new things, new values, new effects/tricks and properties you've never used.
4 Cool CSS Tricks to Spice Up your Blog
So, lets learn some new CSS tricks today, that you can use to spice up your blog. In this tutorial we'll share 4 Cool CSS tricks that you might find useful.

3D Text

Create a 3D effect for your text using this simple CSS code. Add this CSS code to the CSS code of that element which you want to make 3D. You can make it look more cool by changing its color.

text-shadow:   1px 0px #eee, 0px 1px #ccc,
                      2px 1px #eee, 1px 2px #ccc,
                      3px 2px #eee, 2px 3px #ccc,
                      4px 3px #eee, 3px 4px #ccc,
                      5px 4px #eee, 4px 5px #ccc,
                      6px 5px #eee, 5px 6px #ccc,
                      7px 6px #eee, 6px 7px #ccc,
                      8px 7px #eee, 7px 8px #ccc,
                      8px 8px #eee;

Check the Image below to see how it Looks.
3d text effect using css blogolect

Blurry Text

Turn your normal text to a cool blurry text using CSS. Use the below CSS code to create a blurry text and grab your visitors attention :)

.blur {
   color: transparent;
   text-shadow: 0 0 4px rgba(0,0,0,0.6);

Check the Image below to see how it Looks.
blurry text effect using css blogolect

Flip an Image

Sounds crazy! You can flip images with CSS. Try this amazing effect for your blog. Use the below CSS to Flip an Image.

img {
        -moz-transform: scaleX(-1);
        -o-transform: scaleX(-1);
        -webkit-transform: scaleX(-1);
        transform: scaleX(-1);
        filter: FlipH;
        -ms-filter: "FlipH";

Before you try this effect, have a look at the image below.
flipped image effect using css blogolect

Animated Gradient Effect

Create animated gradient effect for your blog buttons. Use the below CSS to create animated gradient effect. You can also use this effect for styling your labels widget.

.button {
background-image: linear-gradient(#518712, #124555);
background-size: auto 200%;
background-position: 0 100%;
transition: background-position 0.5s;
.button:hover {
background-position: 0 0;

We hope you enjoyed this article and also learned some new CSS tricks. We'll cover some more tutorials on CSS this week. Stay Tuned!

Share these tricks with your friends, don't forget to subscribe us and Join our Bloggers Forum on Facebook @

How to Add a Live Chat Support to Blogger

If you're running an Online Store, a Community or an Online Service. A quality Customer Support System really helps you in increasing your sales and interaction with your visitors. While choosing an online service, people look for its features and Live Chat Support is the most crucial.
How to Add a Live Chat Support to Blogger
Having a Live Chat Support system helps you to easily interact with your visitors, so that you can understand their needs, which will help you in improving your services and their experience too. In case of an online store, a Live Chat Support system will help you in increasing your sales. Recently, we received an email from one of our visitors that he wants to add a Live Chat Support system to his blog. In this tutorial we are going to share step by step guide on How to Add a Live Chat Support to Blogger Blog.

It hardly takes 3 minutes to add a Live Chat Support system to your Blog.

Before you add it to your blog, take a look at the image below to see how it looks. On clicking the + button a chat box will open for customer support where your visitors can ask you questions or feedback.
How to Add a Live Chat Support to Blogger

How to Add a Live Chat Support to Blogger Blog 

First and foremost, go to and click Sign Up Free button. A popup will appear, enter your login information and click Submit button.
How to Add a Live Chat Support to Blogger Blog
You'll redirected to the next page, a popup will automatically appear with your chat widget code. If you want to add it without any customizations then Copy that code, go to your Blogger Dashboard >> Select a Blog >> Layout >> Add a Gadget >> Select HTML/JavaScript gadget from the list and paste the copied code in the empty widget box.
How to Add a Live Chat Support to Blogger Blog
Otherwise if you want to customize it close that HTML popup, click Chat Widgets button and then click Edit button.
How to Add a Live Chat Support to Blogger Blog
You'll see a plenty of different tabs for customizing each and every section of your widget like Collapsed, Start Chat, No Operators, In Chat etc. You can also customize its Mobile version by clicking the Mobile tab. Customize your chat widget according to your taste and click Save button.
How to Add a Live Chat Support to Blogger Blog
Now click HTML button under the Installation heading, a code will appear, copy that code.
How to Add a Live Chat Support to Blogger Blog
Now go to your Blogger Dashboard >> Select a Blog >> Layout >> Add a Gadget >> Select HTML/JavaScript gadget from the list and paste the copied code in the empty widget box. Finally click Save button and you're done.
How to Add a Live Chat Support to Blogger Blog
We hope this article may have helped you in adding a Live Chat Support Widget to your Blogger Blog. Share this article with your friends, don't forget to subscribe us and Join our Bloggers Forum on Facebook @

Do share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Useful Keyboard Shortcuts for Blogger Post Editor

Everyone wants to do tasks quickly and if you're a Blogger, then you might want to write posts as quick as possible. Here comes the concept of Keyboard Shortcuts. A keyboard shortcut is a series of one or several keys/button for performing specific functions. Blogger is one of the most popular blogging platforms, with its hundreds of great features, it also provides the flexibility of using keyboard shortcuts in the blogger Post Editor. Blogger has several keyboard shortcuts you can use while editing posts. All these shortcuts work with the latest browsers like Mozilla, Chrome and Internet Explorer 5.5+. So, here they are:

Keyboard Shortcuts Function
CTRL + B To Bold
CTRL + I To Italic
CTRL + U To Underline
CTRL + Z To Undo
CTRL + Y To Redo
CTRL + x To Cut
CTRL + C To Copy
CTRL + V To Paste
CTRL + A To Highlight all the Text
CTRL + S To Auto Save and Keep editing
CTRL + P To Publish the Post
CTRL + F To Find a Word or Phrase

We hope this article may have helped you in learning some Useful Keyboard Shortcuts for Blogger Post Editor. Share this article with your friends, don't forget to subscribe us and Join our Bloggers Forum on Facebook @

If we missed any shortcut, then let us know in the comments section below.

How to Add a Forum to Your Blogger Blog

A Forum is a place where your blog visitors can interact with each other and discuss different trending/hot topics. Simply, a forum is a platform where your blog visitors can post questions, answers and interact with each other by sharing information and discussing hot topics. So, to better interact and connect with your blog readers/visitors, it’s always good to have a forum running on your blog. Another advantage of having a forum is that it takes the place of the FAQ page, since most of the questions will be answered by you and your visitors too.

But how to create a forum for a blogger blog? Well, it's pretty simple! Today in this article we'll show you that How to Add a Forum to Your Blogger Blog with Nabble. A preview of the forum is given at the end of the post.
How to Add a Forum to Your Blogger Blog

How to Add a Forum to Your Blogger Blog

First and foremost, go to and click Create a Free Forum.
How to Add a Forum to Your Blogger Blog
It'll ask you to create an account, enter your account information, give a Name to your forum, choose a Language and click Create Forum button.
How to Add a Forum to Your Blogger Blog
You'll be redirected to your forum, to customize your forum e.g. its colors, font style, etc. click Options >> Application >> Change Appearance.
How to Add a Forum to Your Blogger Blog
Once everything is done, go back to your forum and again go to Options >> Click Embedding options and copy the JavaScript code.
How to Add a Forum to Your Blogger Blog
Okay, now its time to embed it to your Blogger Blog.
Note: You're the moderator of your forum and only you can delete topics or edit your forum.

How to Embed the Forum to your Blogger Blog

Log in to your Blogger Account >> Select a Blog >> Pages and create a new Blank Page. Now switch the editor to HTML Mode and paste the JavaScript code that we copied earlier. Once everything is done, click Publish button and you're done. Here's a preview of my forum.
How to Add a Forum to Your Blogger Blog
Go to that Page and check your Forum. Now your Visitors can easily ask you questions and can discuss hot topics by clicking New Topic button.

From Editors Desk

We hope this article may have helped you in creating a forum for your Blogger Blog. Share this article with your friends, don't forget to subscribe us and Join our Bloggers Forum on Facebook @

How to Remove Hyperlinks From Post Images in Blogger

If you're using a custom blogger template, then you might have noticed that few templates does not supports blogger Image Lighbox, due to which, when someone clicks on an image from your post it opens in a new tab. Since blogger stores all your images in Picasa web album, so whenever user clicks on an images from your websites, it takes them to a different destination, which causes increase in bounce rate and your blog will have a bad impact on search engines. That's why its important to remove hyperlinks from images if your template doesn't supports image Lightbox. Recently one of our users asked us about Removing Hyperlinks From Post Images in Blogger. So today in this tutorial we'll show you that How to Remove Hyperlinks From Post Images in Blogger.
How to Remove Hyperlinks From Post Images in Blogger

How to Remove Hyperlinks From Post Images in Blogger

First and foremost go to your Blogger Dashboard >> Select a Blog >> Template and click Edit HTML button. Click inside the template code area and by using Crtl+F search for the ]]></b:skin> tag. Now copy the below CSS code and paste it just above/before it (]]></b:skin> tag)

position: relative !important;
z-index: 10 !important;

.hentry img, .separator{
position: relative !important;
z-index: -1 !important;

Once everything is done click Save Template button and you're done!

Congratulations: You've successfully disabled click on your post images in blogger. Share this article with your friends, subscribe to us and don't forget to Join our Bloggers Forum on Facebook @

18 Reasons Why Newbie Bloggers Quit Blogging

Thousands of blogs are created everyday but only a few succeed and the rest fails. Have you ever wondered that why most of the bloggers fails at blogging. About 90% of bloggers quit blogging in the first 6 months.

Why does this happen? Why do newbie bloggers fail in taking their blog to the next level? Mostly newbies start blogging for making money. They think that blogging is the easiest way of making money, but they're wrong.
18 Reasons Why Newbie Bloggers Quit Blogging
Starting a blog is easy, with services like Blogger, Wordpress etc. you can start your own blog within 3-4 minutes but getting traffic/visitors to your blog and taking it to success requires lots of hardwork, writing skills and a great deal of time. Another major problem of newbies is that they want to make thousands of dollars within 2-3 months. Newbies get motivated by reading others success stories and they start blogging without knowing the fact that how much time and effort it takes to make a blog successful.

Why Newbies fails and quit blogging within a span of 3-6 months? Here are some of the most common reasons why newbies fail:

Recommended Guides For You:

18 Reasons Why Newbie Bloggers Quit Blogging

1- Impatience - Blogging takes time and patience. Its not possible to get 1,000,000 traffic in just 2 months.

2- Lack of Motivation - You're not motivated.

3- Lack of Interest - People think that blogging is a kids play but they're wrong. You can start a blog with just a few clicks but getting traffic is the worst part.

4- Passionless - It needs passion to do every work. Newbies do blogging just for money, they're not passionate. And when they are unable to get success they quit Blogging.

5- Wrong Niche - Many newbies fail because they choose a niche which is associated with lots of money, instead of their interests or hobby. They don't have enough knowledge about their niche, which leads them to failure.

6- Running too many Blogs - Mostly, newbies create too many blogs, tech blog, design blog, personal blog bla bla bla. Running too many blogs once is really hard and requires a great deal of time, so they get bored of it and quit blogging.

7- Looking for Quick Money - Newbies think that blogging is the easiest way for making money. They get motivated by reading others success stories. Newbies don't understand that blogging is not a kids play, like all other business, blogging also requires time, experience and hardwork.

8- Not having Good Topics - While starting a blog people think that writing and publishing posts is easy, and they would somehow be able to add lots of quality content to their blog. They do research for finding content but after 3-4 months they become frustrated and at last BYE BYE BLOGGING :(

9- Blog Promotion - Newbies only focus on publishing posts on daily basis, not on promoting their posts. Without promotion getting traffic is impossible.

10- Lack of Time - Blogging requires a great deal of time, but newbies are unaware, they think that they can write unique and quality content in just 10-20 minutes. As a result --> They write Poor Content >> Zero Traffic >> Okay I Quit.

11 - Lack of Writing Skills - Newbies just write articles and publish them daily but they never pay attention to their writing skills. After a few months they realize it and quit blogging thinking that only writers can do blogging.

12- I'm the King - Thinking that blogging is just about publishing content, newbies only focus on publishing articles. They think that learning is a waste of time so they use the Copy-Paste formula and lost their traffic.

13- Giving Up Too Quickly - The biggest reason why newbies fail is that they give up quickly within a span of 2-4 months.

14- Giving more Attention to Stats - Instead of focusing on their goals newbies pay more attention to their pageviews and worry about it.

15- No Keyword Research - Newbies do a big mistake of writing posts without keyword research. Writing posts without proper keyword research, decreases the chances of your blog appearance in the search results.

16- SEO Problem - SEO is important for getting higher ranking in search results but newbies don't pay attention to it.

18- Terrible Blog Design - Design is another issue, newbies design their blog poorly. Imagine if you land on a poorly designed blog, would you like to surf it? Probably not. So, if your blog is poorly designed then other people will do the same.


My advice to new bloggers is that, do hardwork and never give up. If you want to become a professional blogger then you should avoid these mistakes. Blogging is not easy, it requires lots of time, hardwork, passion and skills too. Choose the topic in which you're interested. Before you start your career in blogging, learn its basics. From your first day of blogging write like professionals and improve your writing skills.

Share your valuable thoughts and feedback in the comments section below. Share this article with your friends and don't forget Join our Bloggers Forum on Facebook @

How To Recover Your Blogger Blog From Backup (Update)

In our previous tutorial we discussed about How To Backup Your Blogger Blog Posts. A backup is important for your blog if you to be safe from any problem. It is essential for everyone to learn How To Backup and Restore your Blog. If your blog gets deleted by Google and you want to publish all those posts on your new blog, your blog gets hacked or you accidentally deleted your blog posts. With all of these risks, backing up your blog has become an essential precaution that you too need to take. As you know that in our previous article we discussed about How To Backup Your Blogger Blog Posts. And today in this article we'll show you that How To Recover Your Blogger Blog From Backup.
How To Recover Your Blogger Blog From Backup

How To Recover Your Blogger Blog From Backup

Step 1. Go to your Blogger Dashboard >> Select a Blog >> Setting >> Other
Step 2. Now look for Blog Tools heading and click the Import blog option
How To Recover Your Blogger Blog From Backup
Step 3. A popup will appear, Click Browse button and select your backup file (How to Backup your Blog)
How To Recover Your Blogger Blog From Backup
Step 4. Enter the words you see in the image in the Type the text: field and click Import Blog button
Note: Tick the Automatically publish all imported posts and pages option to automatically publish all your posts and page otherwise leave it empty
Step 5. All your blog posts will be imported back to your blog
Note : If you backup your blog daily then you can recover your blog easily after serious damage or after complete deletion.
Congratulations: You've successfully imported all your posts and pages back to your blog.
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How To Backup Your Blogger Blog Posts

Today, In this article we are going to discuss that why it is important to backup your blog and how to backup your blog. In the world of blogging if you want to be safe from any problem even your blog posts. So you must be ready to face the problem.
How To Backup Your Blogger Blog Posts
Your blog may gets deleted by Google and you want to publish all those posts on your new blog or you accidentally deleted your blog posts. With all of these risks, backing up your blog has become an essential precaution that you too need to take. Because by having a backup you can easily publish all those posts again on your blog.

Make your Blog Awesome by Font Awesome Icons
How to Backup your Blogger Template
How to Restore your Blogger Template from Backup

If you want to prevent your blog from any damage then you must create a backup of your blog. By having a backup, you can prevent your blog from damage by restoring your content. You must take backup of your blog daily or weekly.
So, just follow the steps below to backup your blog posts :

How To Backup Your Blogger Blog Posts

Step 1. Go to your Blogger Dashboard >> Select a Blog >> Setting >> Other
Step 2. Now look for Blog Tools heading and click the Export blog option
How To Backup Your Blogger Blog Posts
Step 3. A popup will appear, click Download Blog
How To Backup Your Blogger Blog Posts
Step 4. Save that file and that is the backup of your blog.
Keep the file in a Safe Location
Important :
This backup will only backup your blog posts, not the images.

From Editors Desk

We hope this article may have helped you in learning How To Backup Your Blogger Blog Posts. Share it with your friends and don't forget to subscribe us. Join our Bloggers Forum on Facebook @

How To Add Multiple Authors To Blogger Blog

A team is always better than a one man army and achieving our goals becomes easier with a team. Teamwork is better than being alone. Same is the case with blogging. Competition in the field of blogging has increased and survival has become very tough, so people are starting their blog with multiple niches. So it's always recommended to have a multiple author blog. If you have multiple author blog, you can have a schedule for posting and it will be easier for you to have a very good number of posts within a small period. If you want to boost up your blogging career then its important to start working as a team. But guys, one account, 4-5 or more people using one account, doesn't make a sense. So what to do now??? Not an issue, if your blog is hosted on blogger then you don't have to worry about it. Blogger all of its features also provides you an option for adding multiple authors to your blog. By adding multiple authors, all the people that you've added can access to your blog dashboard from their accounts. You can also manage their roles as Admin or Author. So, today in this tutorial we'll show you that How To Add Multiple Authors To Blogger Blog.
How To Add Multiple Authors To Blogger Blog

How to Add Multiple Authors to your Blogger Blog

First and foremost go to your Blogger Dashboard >> Select your Blog >> Setting. Now in the Basic section of setting hit the + Add Authors button under the Permissions heading
How To Add Multiple Authors To Blogger Blog
It'll ask you to enter the Email id's of the new authors, enter the Email id's of your authors and hit the Invite Authors button.
How To Add Multiple Authors To Blogger Blog
An email invitation will be sent to the specified persons. When he verifies the invitation, his name will be listed and you can decide his account type as Admin or Author.
All done :)

From Editors Desk

We hope this article may have helped you in learning How To Add Multiple Authors To Blogger Blog. Share it with your friends and don't forget to subscribe us. Join our Bloggers Forum on Facebook @

How to Add Images to Blogger Sidebar

We add pictures to our blog posts, static pages, header etc. But have you every thought about adding pictures to your blogger sidebar. Adding images to our sidebar is really easy and simple, but still most of us don't know. Recently one of our readers asked us about How to Add Images to Blogger Sidebar. So, today in this tutorials we'll show you that How to Add Images to Blogger Sidebar. Adding images to blogger sidebar is really easy and fortunately blogger provides a tool for adding images to your sidebar easily. So just the steps below to add images to your blogger sidebar.
How to Add Images to Blogger Sidebar

How to Add Images to Blogger Sidebar

First of all log in to your Blogger Account >> Select a Blog >> Layout and click Add a Gadget. A popup will open with the list of widgets, scroll down and select the Image gadget from the list.
How to Add Images to Blogger Sidebar
Now you'll notice a couple of options. Enter your Image Title in the Title field, enter its caption, link and upload your image.
How to Add Images to Blogger Sidebar
Once everything is done press the Save button and you're done.

Final Words

We hope this tutorial may have helped you in learning How to Add Images to Blogger Sidebar. Do share your thoughts about this simple tutorial. Share it with your friends and don't forget to subscribe us!

How to Create Short URLs Using Google URL Shortener

URL shortening is a technique which is used by many bloggers, in this technique a URL is made shorter but it still redirect the people to the required URL. You can shorten URLs to make them easier to share. While sharing links on social networks many top companies always prefer short URLs instead of long URLs. For example, this short URL will redirect you to So, instead of using this long tail URL I can simply use while sharing my link. Many web developers use descriptive URLs, this can result in long URLs. These URLs are difficult to memorize, thus short URLs are used instead of that long URLs. If your blog is hosted on blogger, and you want to shorten your URLs then you don't have to worry about it because Google itself provides you a free-to-use tool for URL shortening. Therefore today in this tutorial we'll show you that How to Create Short URLs Using Google URL Shortener.
How to Create Short URLs Using Google URL Shortener

Why to Use Google Shortener?

There are many other websites that provide URL shortening services, but the most preferred one is Google URL shortener. Feature of Google URL shoetener are:
  • Tracking: It gives you all the information about your short URL such as number of clicks on that URL etc.
  • Security:  It sends you security warning if URL points to spam website.
  • Speed: With its super fast speed, it loads quicker than any other services.

How to Create Short URLs Using Google URL Shortener

First of all go to and log in to your Gmail Account. You'll redirected to its main page.
Now just enter the URL in the box and hit the Shorten URL button.
How to Create Short URLs Using Google URL Shortener
On pressing the button, your short URL for that link will appear including the link preview. Copy that URL and use it anywhere you want.
How to Create Short URLs Using Google URL Shortener
You can see all the URLs that you've shortened under that URL shortener field. It also displays the number of clicks for each URL, link with its short URL and the time of creation. You can also get more details of any URL by clicking the Details button next to that URL.

From Editors Desk

We hope this article may have helped you in leaning How to Create Short URLs Using Google URL Shortener. Share it with your friends and don't forget to subscribe us!

How to Enable Captcha/Word Verification in Blogger

Blogger provides an option to enable or disable Captcha/Word verification. You can reduce spam on your blog by enabling this word/captcha verification method. Captcha means "Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart". People make irrelevant comments on your blog posts and these comments give a bad impression to your users. Comments contaning ads, links and also gambling sites makes your blog worse. You can't focus on your blog because if your blog receives hundreds of comments daily then its really hard to delete the spam comments and it also requires a great deal of time. So, by enabling word verfication method you can reduce spam on your blog because only humans can pass this word verification method, mostly these spam comments are made by automated systems and luckily these system can't pass the word verification method. Thus, enabling word verification is a nifty path to prevent unwanted comments. Today in this tutorial, we'll show you that How to Enable Captcha/Word Verification in Blogger.
How to Enable Captcha/Word Verification in Blogger

How to Enable Captcha/Word Verification in Blogger

First and foremost Log in to your Blogger Account >> Select a Blog >> Setting >> Posts and Comments
How to Enable Captcha/Word Verification in Blogger
Now you'll see an option for Word Verification, just enable it and hit the Save Setting button on the top. That's it!
Congratulations: You've successfully enabled Captcha/Word Verification on your Blogger blog.

From Editors Desk

We hope this tutorial may have helped you in learning How to Enable Captcha/Word Verification in Blogger. Share it with your friends and don't forget to subscribe us!

How to Enable or Disable Mobile Template of your Blogger Blog

Blogger provides you fully optimized mobile templates for your blog. On enabling the mobile template, your blog will redirect your visitors to a fully optimized mobile template version. This feature is not only for templates provided by Blogger, even if you are using a full customized custom template, you can still enable this feature on your blog. The best thing is that no coding is required for enabling mobile template version. You just need to enable the mobile template version. Blogger offers its own mobile templates and you can make use of them. After enabling mobile version you content/posts will be optimized for mobile version. However your custom styles and widgets will not work on mobile template except some typical gadgets like header, adsense and comments section. Blogger will automatically redirect your visitors to mobile template if they access your blog via mobile devices. So, today in this tutorial we'll show you that How to Enable or Disable Mobile Template of your Blogger Blog.

How to Enable or Disable Mobile Template of your Blogger Blog

Log in to your Blogger Account >> Select a Blog >> Template and click on the Gear icon under the Mobile Template Preview.
Enable or Disable Mobile Template of your Blogger Blog
A popup will open with several options, if you want to enable Mobile Template view then check the Yes. Show mobile template on mobile devices option and choose your template.
Enable or Disable Mobile Template of your Blogger Blog
If you want to disable Mobile Template then check No. Show desktop template on mobile devices option and hit the Save button.
Enable or Disable Mobile Template of your Blogger Blog
All done. Hope this tutorial helped you in learning How to Enable or Disable Mobile Template of your Blogger Blog. Share it with your friends and don't forget to subscribe us!

How to Block AdBlocker on your Blogger Blog

AdBlocker is a browser extension, available on all major browsers and it is used to block advertisements and pop ups shown on websites. Advertisements annoys each and every visitor of our blog, especially pop ups. AdBlocker is useful to stay away from those annoying and disgusting ads, but this extension is a roadblock in the path of a blogger. Due to this extension visitors don't reach ads and it effects the earning of bloggers. AdBlockers totally affect life of bloggers who want to make money from there blogs. It also reduces CPM, CPC and other rates which you use to generate your revenue. There are two ways that you can use to block AdBlockers, the first one is to ask your readers to remove AdBlocker extension and the other one is that, force them to remove AdBlocker. If thousands of people visits your blog daily then it is impossible to ask each of them to remove AdBlocker extension which means that we have to force them to remove AdBlocker. So, today in this tutorial we'll show you that How to Block AdBlocker on your Blogger Blog.

How to Block AdBlocker on your Blogger Blog

Step 1. Log in to your Blogger Account
Step 2. Select a Blog >> Template >> Edit HTML >> Search for the ]]></b:skin> tag and above/before it paste the following code

#bgt_noadblocker {

Step 3. Again Search for </head> and paste the below code just above/before it

     <script type="text/javascript">
    if (document.getElementById("bgt_noadblocker") != undefined)
        alert("We've detected that you're using AdBlock Plus or some other adblocking software. In order to keep this website free, this site is sponsored in part by advertisements.\r\nPlease consider disabling your ad blocker on this website\r\nif you enjoyed the content, and would like to support future \r\ninformative posts.Thank you!\r\n\r\nClick OK to continue\r\n\r\nPowered by");

Step 4. Now Search for <body> and just below/after it paste the following code

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Step 5. Hit the Save Template button and you're done!
Now if any visitor with AdBlocker enabled visit your site will face an annoying message, he will get this message until he disables AdBlocker.

From Editors Desk

We hope this tutorial may have helped you in learning How to Block AdBlocker on your Blogger Blog. Share this tutorial with your friends and don't forget to subscribe us.

How to Remove Locked Widgets in Blogger

- No Comments
Have you ever used a blogger template consisting of widgets that are irremovable? Blogger is a flexible platform and you can easily do whatever you want. One if its feature is that you can upload your custom templates to make your blog friendly and beautiful. There are thousands of free and paid templates available on the web, which you can use for your blog. Usually all the widgets in blogger are removable, you can easily add or remove widgets. But have you ever noticed that sometimes after uploading a custom template, some widgets are locked in the layout section and you can't remove them, just like header and blog posts widget. You're unable to delete these widgets because these widgets are locked. Recently one of our users asked us that How to Remove Locked Widgets in Blogger. So today in this tutorial we'll show you that How to Remove Locked Widgets in Blogger.

How to Remove Locked Widgets in Blogger

Step 1. Log in to your Blogger Account >> Select a Blog
Step 2. Go to Template >> Backup your Template >> Edit HTML >> Jump to Widget and choose the widget which you want to remove (Note: Read the 2nd part of this article to learn how to find a widget in HTML Editor)
Step 3. You'll be jumped to that widget's coding. In your widget's coding you'll see locked=true if that widget is locked

<b:widget id='Navbar1' locked='true' title='Navbar' type='Navbar'>

Step 4. Replace true with false and hit Save Template button

<b:widget id='Navbar1' locked='false' title='Navbar' type='Navbar'>

Step 5. Now go to Layout >> Click Edit on that widget >> Click Remove button at the bottom
And you're done!

How to find Widget Code in Template Editor

Step 1. Log in to your Blogger Dashboard
Step 2. Go to Layout and locate the widget
Step 3. Hit the Edit button below that widget a popup window will open
Step 4. In the URL of that popup which would somewhat looks like this

Step 5. The widget Id of that widget is just after widgetId= which is HTML10.
Now go to Template >> Edit HTML >> Jump to Widget and Select the widget with Exact ID

From Editors Desk

We hope this tutorial may have helped you in learning How to Remove Locked Widgets in Blogger. Share this tutorial with your friends and don't forget to subscribe us.
If you're still confused then ask your question in the comments section below.

How to Stop Blogger Country Specific Redirection

Blogger uses Country specific domain redirection that changes your blog URL according to your visitor country. For example, if your blog address is and someone is visiting your blog from canada, he will be redirected to instead of and if someone is visiting your blog from Italy then he will be redirected to
How to Stop Blogger Country Specific Redirection
Why you Should Stop Blogger Country Specific Redirection? The answer is simple, it will effect your alexa ranking and your pagerank too, due to different URL's. This redirection is called Country Specific Redirection or "country-code Top Level Domain" (ccTLD). The blogs with custom domains are not affected by this method. About 20 countries are affected by this redirection. Today in this tutorial we'll show you that How to Stop Blogger Country Specific Redirection.

How to Stop Blogger Country Specific Redirection

First for foremost go to and Log in to your account. Select a Blog >> Template >> Edit HTML and search for the <head> tag. Now copy(Ctrl + C) the following piece of code and paste(Ctrl + V) it just below/after <head> tag.

<script type='text/javascript'>
      var blog = document.location.hostname;
      var slug = document.location.pathname;
      var ctld = blog.substr(blog.lastIndexOf("."));
      if (ctld != ".com") {
        var ncr = "http://" + blog.substr(0, blog.indexOf("."));
        ncr += "" + slug;

Hit the Save Template button and you're done.

From Editors Desk

We hope this tutorial may have helped you in learning How to Stop Blogger Country Specific Redirection. Share this tutorial with your friends and don't forget to subscribe us.

How To Upload Custom Template On Blogger

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Blogger Default Templates don't give a professional look to your blog. Uploading a customized template is useful, interesting and gives a professional look to your blog which attracts more visitors to your blog. There are millions of blogs hosted on blogger but they don't don't know that how to upload a custom template. If you're bored of the generic templates supplied by Blogger and you want to upload your own custom template to your blog. So, Today in this tutorial we will teach you that How To Upload Custom Template To Your Blogger Blog.

How To Upload Custom Template To Blogger

Step 1. Go to Blogger Dashboard >> Select your blog >> Select Template
Step 2. Now Hit the Backup / Restore Button

Step 3. Click on Download Full Template Button make a backup for your previous template
Step 4. Click on Browse Button and choose the Template that you want to upload
Step 5. Hit the Upload button
That's all !!!! Enjoy Blogging

From Editors Desk

We hope this tutorial may have helped you in learning How To Upload Custom Template On Blogger. Share this tutorial with your friends and don't forget to subscribe us.